Tuesday 19 January 2010

British food and drink

About Traditional Food
It is well known by people all around the world that breakfasts in Britain are always extremly important and generous.

The traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms.

Trading British dinner is "meat and two veg", usually put hot brown gravy, (traditionally made from the juices of the roast meat, but more often today from a packet!) on the meat and usually the vegetables. One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes.

The Fish and Chips
A fish and chip shop is a place people have to visit when visit Britain. It is a shop which cooks fried potatoes called chips. They are usually accompanied by fish, pies, mushy peas, etc. The chips used to be wrapped in newspaper but now white paper is used. They often ask if you want salt and vinegar to be sprinkled over your chips.

Bangers and mash
Also known as sausages and mash, is an English dish made of mashed potatoes and sausages, the latter of which may be one of a variety of flavoured sausage made of pork or beef or a Cumberland sausage.

The dish is usually served with a rich onion gravy.

Yorkshire Pudding
This dish is not usually eaten as a dessert like other puddings but instead as part of the main course or at a starter.

The traditional way to eat a Yorkshire pudding is to have a large, flat one filled with gravy and vegetables as a starter of the meal. Then when the meal is over, any unused puddings should be served with jam or ice-cream as a dessert.

AFTERNOON TEA (The traditional 4 o'clock tea)

This is a small meal, not a drink. Traditionally it consists of tea (or coffee) served with either of the following:
Freshly baked scones served with cream and jam (Known as a cream tea)
Afternoon tea sandwiches - thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off.
Assorted pastries

About Drink
Traditional Drinks in Britain: Tea, coffee, Wine, Bitter.

Pubs In Britain
Pubs are an important part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and relax there.

Groups of friends normally buy 'rounds' of drinks, where the person whose turn it is will buy drinks for all the members of the group.

Pub Drinks
Bitter:The most popular kind of British beer is bitter, which is dark and served at room temperature (not hot, not cold). British beer is brewed from malt and hops.

Other Alcohol Drinks: Wine,Cider ,Whisky

Pub Food
Nearly all pubs sell pub lunches.
One of these is the Ploughman's Lunch

Including a great wedge of Cheddar cheese, some bread, some pickle, and an onion. Other typical pub foods are scampi (kind of shellfish) and chips (fried potatoes), pie and chips, and chicken and chips.


  1. I feel quite hungry after reading your blog! Do you like British food? Have you tried any of the traditional meals described above?

  2. (*^__^*) ……I tried all of them except pub things. Some of the British food are really tasty. So that I have to control myself from eating them, cause actually British food contains more fat than Chinese food, it's easy to put on weight.
